Identificación de Zonas Susceptibles de Ablación en Fibrilación Auricular Permanente Implementando Entropía Aproximada en un Modelo 2D
Identificación de Zonas Susceptibles de Ablación en Fibrilación Auricular Permanente Implementando Entropía Aproximada en un Modelo 2D
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La ApEn permitió localizar los CFAE con una alta precisión y relacionarlos con el tip del rotor. Por lo que este índice podría ser muy eficaz en la identificación de zonas susceptibles de ablación.
Abstract — Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia. Catheter ablation has become the main therapeutic strategy for the treatment of paroxysmal AF, however, results in permanent AF are not completely satisfactory. Ablation of complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAE) is proposed for the termination of a rotor as mechanism of permanent AF maintenance. The aim of this work is to characterize the CFAE by implementing approximate entropy (ApEn) and to correlate with the tip of a simulated rotor. For this, a 2D model of human atrial tissue under permanent FA conditions was developed. Unipolar electrograms were recorded during the rotor activity and an algorithm to measure ApEn was developed.
The ApEn allowed locate the CFAE with high precision and relate them to the tip of the rotor. So this index could be very effective in identifying target sites for ablation.