PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS SOBRE MEDICINA REGENERATIVA - Questions and answers about regenerative medicine
PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS SOBRE MEDICINA REGENERATIVA - Questions and answers about regenerative medicine
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Zapata Linares, N. M., García Quiroz, F., & García Quiroz, F. (2012). PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS SOBRE MEDICINA REGENERATIVA - Questions and answers about regenerative medicine. Revista Ingeniería Biomédica, 5(10), 23–30.
May 3, 2012
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Artículo vivencial
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Natalia M. Zapata Linares
Laboratorio de Terapia Celular, Centro de Investigación Médica Aplicada, CIMA, Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona, España. Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería Biomédica EIA-CES
Felipe García Quiroz
Biomedical Engineering Department, Duke University. Durham, North Carolina, USA
Felipe García Quiroz
Biomedical Engineering Department, Duke University. Durham, North Carolina, USA
La medicina regenerativa busca desarrollar estrategias para promover la regeneración de tejidos dañados. El auge de esta área de investigación biomédica y su potencial para el tratamiento de una gran variedad de enfermedades—como las neurodegenerativas, hepáticas y cardiacas, o quemaduras de piel y otros traumas—, demanda un análisis continuo sobre el estado de las investigaciones actuales, su impacto, lo que se espera en los próximos años y los debates éticos asociados. Para responder éstas y otras preguntas, revisamos algunos de los avances más importantes ocurridos en año 2011 y consultamos la opinión de un experto en medicina regenerativa, el profesor Felipe Prósper Cardoso de la Universidad de Navarra en España. Si bien los avances han sido muy significativos en el laboratorio, especialmente en la derivación de células autólogas (diferenciadas o pluripotentes) y el desarrollo de biomateriales que facilitan y promueven la regeneración, la traslación clínica de las terapias de medicina regenerativa aún es incipiente y constituye un gran reto para investigadores en esta área.
Abstract─Regenerative Medicine seeks to develop strategies to restore damaged tissues. The recent boom of this research field and its potential for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases —such as neurodegenerative, hepatic and cardiac, or skin burns and various traumas— demands an ongoing analysis of the most recent investigations, their impact, the associated ethical debates, as well as the research horizon in the coming years. To answer these and other questions we reviewed the most important advances reported throughout the year 2011 and consulted the opinion of a regenerative medicine expert, profesor Felipe Prosper Cardoso from the University of Navarra in Spain. Despite the significant progress in the laboratory regarding the derivation of autologous cells (whether differentiated or pluripotent) and the development of biomaterials that facilitate regeneration, the clinical translation of regenerative medicine therapies is still incipient and constitutes a grand challenge for researchers in this fascinating field.
Abstract─Regenerative Medicine seeks to develop strategies to restore damaged tissues. The recent boom of this research field and its potential for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases —such as neurodegenerative, hepatic and cardiac, or skin burns and various traumas— demands an ongoing analysis of the most recent investigations, their impact, the associated ethical debates, as well as the research horizon in the coming years. To answer these and other questions we reviewed the most important advances reported throughout the year 2011 and consulted the opinion of a regenerative medicine expert, profesor Felipe Prosper Cardoso from the University of Navarra in Spain. Despite the significant progress in the laboratory regarding the derivation of autologous cells (whether differentiated or pluripotent) and the development of biomaterials that facilitate regeneration, the clinical translation of regenerative medicine therapies is still incipient and constitutes a grand challenge for researchers in this fascinating field.
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