Space-time variation in water quality of the Aburrá-Medellín river using electrical conductivity in the period 2010-2020. Part 2

Variación espacio-temporal de la calidad del agua del río AburráMedellín utilizando la conductividad eléctrica en el periodo 2010-2020. Parte 2

Contenido principal del artículo

Lina Claudia Giraldo Buitrago
I.N. Gómez-Miranda


The deterioration of the environment and especially the crisis due to the
availability of water, has led developing countries to advance in protection, avoiding
the dumping of wastewater and monitoring quality. In the city of Medellín, the use
of electrical conductivity as an indicator of water quality in the Aburrá-Medellín
river was proposed as an alternative to explain and keep the community informed
about how the river monitoring stations are doing through of colors and thus
continue to raise awareness of the importance of caring for water. In order to
study the spatial and temporal variations of the water quality in the river from the
electrical conductivity indicator, and considering the categorical data obtained with
the indicator, a number from 1 to 5 was assigned (very bad, bad , regular, acceptable
and good quality, respectively). In these paper We used statistical methods as
crosstabulation to describe relationships between the categorical variables through
counts and multiple correspondence analysis for representing the associations
between the factors affecting the wáter quality using the correspondence maps. It
was found that low flows correspond to the most critical quality conditions, and
although a deterioration is observed as the river flows downstream (between the
monitoring stations) the influence of the water levels is greater. The statistical
analysis showed a relatively high association of the quality indicator and the flows
also, that the water quality deteriorates in the afternoon and in the final years of
monitoring in low flows.


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