Impact of urban land use on the physicochemical quality of surface runoff water in an urban watershed
Impacto del uso del suelo urbano en la calidad fisicoquímica del agua de escorrentía superficial en una cuenca urbana
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Contenido principal del artículo
The growing processes of urban expansion have led to changes in the biochemical and physical properties of the hydrological systems in watersheds, not only by altering the hydrological conditions of the territory, but also by introducing pollutants into water bodies. Thus, diffuse pollution from stormwater runoff is considered one of the main causes of water quality degradation in receiving waters in urban areas, especially in rainy regions such as the South American tropics, where urban development and management processes are generally poorly planned. This article presents the results of an evaluation of the relationship between land use and runoff water quality, taking into account different rainfall characteristics. Sampling was carried out in Medellín, Colombia, in areas with different land uses. Basic water quality parameters and some sources of urban pollution were studied. The results showed that parameters such as total suspended solids have a high variability, especially in the residential area, which makes it difficult to control the activities carried out there. The highest levels of pollution were found in the industrial area, where the presence of covers with very low or no permeability and the increase in anthropic activity cause a strong alteration in the quality of runoff water. These results open the door to question the impact of land use on the chemical composition of rainwater and promote a better understanding of surface runoff water pollution processes, thus providing a complete vision of the interactions in an urban ecosystem, establishing a key tool for water management in urban watersheds.
Detalles del artículo
Diana Atehortúa, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Soy profesional en ingeniería ambiental e ingeniería sanitaria, tengo experiencia en trabajos relacionados con la calidad del recurso hídrico, especialmente en el Valle de Aburrá, asimismo, tengo experiencia en diseño de acueductos y alcantarillados en diferentes municipios del departamento de Antioquia
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